Sunday 6 April 2014

Someday, Someday, Maybe by Lauren Graham

"Franny Banks has just six months left of the three-year deadline she set herself when she came to New York, dreaming of Broadway and doing 'important' work. But all she has to show for her efforts is a part in an ad for ugly Christmas sweaters. She needs a backup plan because she's not ready to give up on her goal of having a career like her idols Diane Keaton and Meryl Streep. Not just yet."


The moment i saw the author of Someday, Someday, Maybe i had to snatch the novel up. Lauren Graham, well known and fabulous actress, most well known for her role as Lorelai Gilmore in the TV series Gilmore Girls and personally one of my favorite fictional characters.

I could barely put her debut novel down and read the sizable book within a matter of days.
Following the life of Franny Banks in her pursuit of an acting career and the road blocks she comes up against while attempting to break into a highly competitive industry with only a commercial for hideous Christmas sweaters under her belt.

Cleverly witty and engaging Graham steeps her novel in funny one liners and amusing anecdotes. The characters are created with substance and there is a reality about the characters and their reaction to life and the hope of dreams coming true.

After reading this novel one could wonder if it is semi-autobiographical through possible parallels between the fictional Franny and real life acting career of Graham. One wonders if her own struggles and experience in becoming an appreciated actress can be seen within the novel.

The writing is clearly by a pen experienced in the ways of satire and mature comedic anecdotes. Graham has produced an entertaining piece of writing.

With the slightly predictable ending that you're rooting for Someday, Someday, Maybe is worth the read.